Aging With Grace

“My flesh and my heart may fail,

    but God is the strength of my heart

    and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26

In five days, I will be five years from 50. I will be three years younger than the age my Mama was when she died. I will be twelve years older than the age Jesus was when He died. 

I don’t know why I think of these things. Maybe my upcoming birthday brings the awareness of progressively changing things that cannot be reversed. Maybe it’s that…or could it be a sweet reminder from God of the beauty that comes from all that has been?

Considering our lives as a timeline is essential to our ability to learn, grow, and become. A visual representation of a line drawn from birth to the present can help us reflect as we aim to move forward in life. And as Pastor Josh Couch of Gulf Coast Church has said, “Our past should be a place of reference, not a place of residence. 

Documenting my life on a timeline of events, milestones, and experiences has led me to freedom—freedom in Christ—freedom to be released from hurt, bondage, and despair. Freedom from this world and freedom from myself. 

My story doesn’t keep me chained to the past. It doesn’t hold me hostage in the present. The story God wrote for me has informed and prepared me to age with grace. 

Aging with grace…

I love skincare products and am careful about taking care of my skin. I enjoy my monthly self-care routine of getting facials. But, the laugh lines around my eyes and creases around my mouth no longer come to mind when I think of aging gracefully. 

Aging with grace…

I am an advocate of self-care. I find joy in slowing down and recognizing the present moment as a gift. I support the idea that aging brings wisdom and acceptance. But even these things do not come to mind when I think of aging with grace. 

Aging with grace…

Like my calling, like my purpose, aging with grace isn't about me. You see, aging with grace isn’t about me doing something graceful or being graceful as I grow older. I’m not called to have flawless skin. My purpose on this earth isn’t to have all the answers for everyone around me. 

Walking with Jesus is what it means to age with grace, and that is how I want to age. I want to live out John 15:4 every day for the rest of my life: “Remain in me, and I will remain in you,” like a Father and a child. That is aging with grace, right next to Grace.  

Grace is a connection, a relationship. Jesus is Grace. And this is me aging with Grace. 

“The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you all.” 2 Timothy 4:22


A Time to Speak